I will deliver your 45 second ad direct to 100 voicemail boxes with call back forwarding

Looking for a new and more effective way to communicate with customers? Our non-intrusive new form of marketing is sweeping the industry by storm!We deliver your custom audio recording, or campaign direct to thousands of voicemail boxes in minutes! Voicemail listening rates are over 96%, can you imagine sending an email campaign and seeing 96% open rates!? Campaigns average 15% call back rates!
Our system connects directly to the carriers voicemail servers and delivers your recording. If the prospect is interested after they hear your message, they just simply press call back or dial your number! It's 100% legal and means you can now reach people even if they only have a cell phone!
Don't have a phone list? We've got you covered! With over 200MM phone records we can target your ideal audience by age, gender, location and more.
Generate Inbound Sales Calls
Send Reminders
Promote Events
Advertise Your Product
Drive Traffic To Websites
Increase Sales


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